29 January 2010

Young Australians Reading

SLV's Centre for Youth Literature has just released Young Australians Reading an updated report. It's at : http://tinyurl.com/yey8el6

Interesting perspective from the report:


"Mylee Joseph monitors trends and developments in new media. She says, ‘There is a definite shift in thinking about books as content rather than format. This will be increasingly important with e-books (born digital) and digitisation of hard-copy books for online consumption.

‘One of the trends is the personalisation of everything – your own preferred style. California State Library, looking at identifying technology trends, call it It’s All About Me – mass, personalised consumption, products and brands customised to suit the individual. For libraries, it means instead of relying on one type of resource or program, you need to provide more flexibility so young people can mash it up for themselves.

It’s the remix culture. For example, you might have someone who takes pictures and adds a soundtrack, or illustrates and orchestrates a poem or prose.’ "

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