An interesting piece of work by National Centre for Sustainability, Swinburne University of Technology which claims that the price for SMEs for carbon accounting is not sky high.
What is very interesting in a library context is what is not accounted for?
So, what’s not counted? Emissions embodied into materials, goods and services. For libraries the embedded content in books, CDs, DVDs, etc is an issue to be further considered. Although, in their own way libraries, to the extent that materials are "recycled", help to reduce the overall impact on the environment.
The report suggest a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) should be undertaken to determine this properly. An LCA is the evaluation of the inputs, outputs and environmental impacts of a product system over its lifecycle. This would be potentially a long and costly exercise for most libraries.
Perhaps there is an opportunity to develop a model based on weight/cost/other factors that could be more easily and readily used by libraries to determine the embedded carbon in their materials. More on this later.