09 December 2009

What makes a good library service?

Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals launched these guidelines at the Public Library Authorities Conference in October 2009.

The guidelines indicate that a good library service provides:

  1. A positive future for children and young people

  2. A fulfilling life for older people

  3. Strong, safe and sustainable communities

  4. Promotion of local identity and community pride

  5. Learning, skills, and workforce development

  6. Health improvements and wellbeing

  7. Equality, community cohesion and social justice

  8. Economic regeneration

"What makes a good library service? Guidelines on public library provision in England for portfolio holders in local Councils. CILIP, 2009. Available to download as a pdf (93 Kb) from:


Report of the Inquiry into the Governance and Leadership of the Public Library Service in England came up with a recommendation that a Library Development Agency for England (LDAE) should be established, inter alia to:

  1. advocate for public libraries
  2. articulate a national vision
  3. establish marketing, awareness and promotional programmes
  4. disseminate good practice
  5. establish a comprehensive evidence base
  6. facilitate quality improvements

Sounds remarkably similar to PLVN.